Admissions FAQ

Admissions FAQ

Below is a summary of frequently asked questions. If you don’t find the information you’re looking for here, please contact the admissions office, and we’d be happy to help.

For specific dates, deadlines, and application steps, please visit our How to Apply webpage.

Applying to SJS

How to apply

Please review our How to Apply webpage for dates and deadlines specific to the grade you are applying for. Please note that applications open on September 1.

To begin the process, please create an account on our mySJS portal. From there you may complete and submit the online application form and remit the application fee. The application fee is $350 for intake grades, and $250 for non-intake grades. 

Once you have submitted the online application, you will be able to upload the required supporting document listed through your online checklist on the mySJS Portal.

What supporting documents are required?

Different documents may be required at different times depending on the applying grade. All required items will be listed on the applicant’s online checklist. As part of the application, be ready to upload the following documents:

  • Previous grade (2023–2024) final report card, and current report cards (2024–2025) once available. Please include the applicant’s in-school ELL or ESL reports if applicable
  • The applicant’s birth certificate (a professional or notarized translation required if not in English).
  • The applicant’s status in Canada document if not born in Canada. This must be their Canadian Passport, Permanent Residency Card, or Study Visa. A visitor visa for the student will not be accepted.
  • A recent photo of the applicant.
  • A recent family photo.
  • The Parent/Guardian’s Status in Canada document. This must be one of the following: Canadian Passport, Permanent Residency Card, Work Visa, Visitor Visa, or Diplomat Status.
  • Name and email of one person you’d like to complete the Confidential Character & Family Reference Form (known as a “referee”) for the applicant. This form will be sent directly from SJS admissions. 
  • Psychoeducational assessment and/or IEP (if applicable).
  • SSAT for applicants to Grades 8 to 12, to be uploaded if shortlisted

To ensure a fair and consistent review of applications, only the specific documents requested will be reviewed. Please do not send additional reference letters, certificates or awards to the admissions office. These are the kinds of accomplishments we’d love to hear about during the admissions interview.

Does SJS provide financial assistance?

Yes! SJS is proud to provide financial assistance (FA) from Kindergarten through Grade 12, to those families who might not otherwise afford the full cost of tuition at SJS.

The application for FA is separate from the application for admission. Visit the Tuition and Financial Assistance page for more information. Please contact Catriona Cheng, Director of Finance and Human Resources, at if you have questions about financial assistance.

My child was born in December, can I apply for a younger grade?

Short answer, no. Students are placed in grades according to their birth year (January to December). Rest assured, admissions assessments for our youngest learners (JK, K, Grade 1) are norm-referenced, meaning applicants are assessed based on their age in months, not years.

For 2025 entry, intake grade birth years are as follows:

Junior Kindergarten  Born 2021

Kindergarten              Born 2020

Grade 1                       Born 2019

Do you accept international students?

Yes, SJS welcomes applications from international students, that is, students who will be living in BC with a parent/guardian (as described under the Family Law Act) who is joining them on a Visitor Visa, provided that the student:

  1. Holds a valid Study Permit, Permanent Residency, or Canadian Citizenship
  2. Will be living with that parent/guardian while enrolled at SJS
  3. Pays tuition and fees in full, including the international student fee, upon an Offer of Admission

If the parent/guardian holds status in Canada as a Permanent Resident, Work Permit, Study Permit or Diplomat, they may apply as a domestic student provided that:

  1. The parent/guardian with the status is living in BC with the student while they are enrolled at SJS. If the parent/guardian with status does not reside in BC, they must apply as an international student;
  2. The student obtains a valid Study Permit, Permanent Residency, or Canadian Citizenship

SJS does not offer an EAL program (English as an Additional Language). Due to the academic rigour of the IB Program, all SJS students must be proficient in English. We also do not have homestay or boarding.

Do you enroll students mid-year?

No, we do not enrol students once classes have begun. We don’t typically have any openings by the time classes have started. Additionally, SJS operates on a linear timetable wehre students take the same classes from September to June, making a mid-year transition particularly challenging for students. As such, we do not enroll students mid-year.

Do you require reference letters?

Not directly. On the application, you will be asked to provide the name and email address of an adult (not a relative) who knows the applicant through academic, extracurricular or social activities. This person will be sent a Confidential Reference Form, through the admissions portal. Our preference is that it be a teacher or program leader. However, when this is not possible, a neighbour or family friend will be fine.

To ensure a fair and consistent review of applications, only the specific documents requested will be reviewed. Please do not send additional reference letters, certificates or awards to the admissions office. These are the kinds of things we’d love to hear about during the admissions interview.

I know a current SJS family, should they be my reference?

You may have been referred to SJS by a valued member of our school community, parent, alumni or staff. It’s always nice to know how our families are connected. If applicable, there is a section within the application to name any SJS community member who referred you. This person may also be your reference, but they don’t have to be.

We recommend you select someone who knows your child best to be their formal reference. To ensure a fair and consistent review of applications, only the specific documents requested will be reviewed. Please do not send additional reference letters, certificates or awards to the admissions office. These are the kinds of things we’d love to hear about during the admissions interview.

Admissions Assessment

What happens at the admissions assessment?

Applicants will join other applicants and SJS teachers and participate in one-on-one and small group activities. Through these age-appropriate, engaging activities teachers assess the applicant’s current language proficiency, numeracy, literacy and communication skills within an SJS context. There is no preparation required.

We don’t live locally, will there be a virtual assessment?

Admissions Assessments for Junior Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Grade 1 are offered in-person only. A virtual assessment is not available for applicants in these grades. 

To ensure equity and to enable a comprehensive evaluation, including the benefit of social interactions that in-person assessments offer, particularly with these young learners, we will not be offering a virtual alternative for these grades. If your child is unable to attend the assessment in person, please apply in a future year. If shortlisted, the parent interview may be conducted virtually or in person. 

For applicants to Grades 2 and above who don’t live locally, a virtual assessment can be arranged.

How can my child prepare for the assessment?

The best thing you can do to prepare your child for the assessment is to help ensure they come healthy and rested. Otherwise, no preparation is required. In fact, the less pressure they feel about it, the better.

Is there an English language requirement?

Due to the nature of the IB Programme and available resources, all SJS students must be fluent in both written and oral English. We do not offer an EAL program or English Language support. English language proficiency will be determined through the various admissions assessments and report cards. 

We generally recommend that applicants have two years of school experience in English prior to applying. 

Is the SSAT required?

For applicants to Grades 8-11, the SSAT (Secondary School Admission Test) is required for shortlisted applicants only. The SSAT may be written anytime, but we recommend having the scores available by January 9, 2025 to ensure we receive them in time for final decisions.

SSAT scores must be remitted through your SSAT portal in order to be received. SJS’s code for submitting the scores is 6531.

The Character Skills Snapshot is not required. There are no minimum scores required, and the SSAT is only a piece of the admission review.

To ensure a fair and consistent review of applications, we do not accept alternative standardized tests in place of the SSAT. If the SSAT is not offered in your country, please contact our team at

Will there be a parent or family interview?

Parents/Guardian(s) of shortlisted applicants will be invited to schedule an interview with a member of the Admissions Team or School Principal. The interview is an opportunity for SJS to learn more about your child and family and to answer any remaining questions you might have about SJS or the admissions process.

Interviews may take place in-person or virtually. Who attends the assessment varies by grade.

JK to Grade 5:                      Parent/Guardian only

Grade 6 to Grade 12:           Applicant, followed by parent/guardian

Admissions Decisions

How are admissions decisions made?

We seek to enrol students who will thrive at SJS. Not only academically but also as an engaged member of the SJS community. The Admissions Committee reviews all applications holistically, including report cards, in-house assessment results, application information, SSAT scores (Grades 8-12 only) and the admissions interview (if applicable).

Applicants are reviewed individually, as well as an overall cohort, to ensure a well-rounded, balanced class. The number of openings available for a particular grade will also influence final admission decisions.

How is the shortlist determined?

All applicants to intake grades (JK, K, Grade 1, Grade 4, Grade 6, Grade 8, and Grade 11) are required to attend the in-house admissions assessment. Following this assessment, the Admissions Committee considers the number of openings available, then reviews all applications, including information provided in the application, report cards, and results of the assessment, to create a shortlist.

Shortlisted applicants will be invited to proceed to the next stage of the admissions process and schedule their parent or family interview.

For non-intake grades (Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 5, Grade 7, Grade 9 and Grade 10), the Admissions Committee reviews all applications, however, only shortlisted applicants will proceed to the next stage of the admissions process by attending the in-house assessment. 

The number of applicants in the shortlist will be based on the anticipated number of openings we expect to have after re-enrollment has concluded in early-February. Siblings of currently enrolled students are automatically shortlisted as part of our commitment to fostering family connections within the school community.

When are decisions released?

Admission decision dates vary by grade. Please refer to the table below. 


GradeShortlistFirst Round Decisions
Junior KindergartenFriday, January 17, 2025Thursday, February 20, 2025
Due Mon. Feb. 24
KindergartenFriday, November 29. 2024Thursday, February 20, 2025
Due Mon. Feb. 24
Grade 1Friday, November 29. 2024Thursday, February 20, 2025
Due Mon. Feb. 24
Grade 4Friday, November 29. 2024Thursday, February 20, 2025
Due Mon. Feb. 24
Grade 6Wednesday, December 18, 2024Thursday, February 20, 2025
Due Mon. Feb. 24
Grade 8Wednesday, December 18, 2024Tuesday February 25. 2025
Due Fri. Feb 28
Grade 11Friday, January 24, 2025Thursday, February 20, 2025
Due Mon. Feb. 24


GradesShortlistFirst Round Invitation to InterviewFirst Round Decisions
All Non-Intakes, ie.
Grade 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10
Thursday, February 6, 2025Monday, March 3, 2025Rolling basis starting in April

Do SJS siblings or children of alums have priority?

SJS is committed to fostering family connections within our school community. Therefore, siblings of currently enrolled students and alumni are automatically shortlisted. They also receive priority consideration in final decisions, provided they meet the admission requirements.

Additionally, SJS offers a 5% family tuition discount for each additional family member enrolled at our school.

My child is in the waitpool. What does that mean?

Your child being placed in the waitpool means they met the admission requirements for SJS, but we are limited in the number of openings available. We ask that you keep their file up-to-date by sending us their most recent report cards and let us know if you wish their file to remain active for the following year.  Should more openings come available, applicants in the waitpool are reviewed. 

Families considered for the second round of offers will be contacted directly by the Admissions team. The waitpool remains open until the end of August.

Life at SJS

Does SJS offer aftercare?

Yes. We offer aftercare for Kindergarten to Grade 7 students from 3:30–5:00 PM on school days. Additional fees apply. We do not provide before-school care.

Do you offer a bus service?

Yes. SJS is pleased to provide a one-way morning bus service. There are currently two routes: Burnaby to Vancouver and Richmond to Vancouver. We welcome both regular and occasional riders. There is no fee to use the bus service.

Does SJS offer a lunch program?

Yes. SJS offers a hot lunch program. It is available for students in Kindergarten to Grade 7 students on a fee basis. Parent volunteers organize the program, which runs daily from September to June using the MunchaLunch website.

How can I learn more about SJS programs and see the campus?

We are so proud of the breadth and depth of an SJS education and all the school offers. We invite you to learn more to see if it’s a match for your child and family.

A great starting point is here, on the school’s website, where you’ll find dedicated pages for each IB Programme (PYP, MYP, DP) and an outline of the wide variety of clubs and athletics offered. Additionally we are pleased to offer a number of in-person and virtual events to learn more about SJS. Please visit our Visiting SJS page to see the latest available events.