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Impact Story: ADST Specialist

Impact Story: ADST Specialist

At SJS, we are committed to providing an enriched, well-rounded education for all our students. Thanks to the generous support of SJS families through Annual Giving, we have been able to introduce the ADST (Applied Design, Skills and Technologies) Specialist role this year. 

Ariana Debreuil, who many of you will know as our Educational Technology Curriculum Lead and PYP Grade 5 Teacher, has taken on this role for the 2024–2025 year with a dedicated focus on ADST, running interactive learning sessions for students, staff and parents in our Junior School. 

Watch the video above as Ariana and Valerie Little, Junior School Principal, reflect on term one, the impact this increased focus on ADST is having on our students, teachers and parents and look ahead to the rest of the academic year. 

Read the full article online.